We've already discussed the fact that some ghostwriters are part-time writers or moonlighters. Some are subcontractors working for whatever crumbs are thrown their way by large ghostwriting companies.
This site is dedicated to helping you find a professional ghostwriter, someone trained in writing, editing, research, textual criticism, and proofreading--someone who has a thorough knowledge of the publishing industry and the literary marketplace and who has writing credits (including books) under his or her own name.
There are many tiers in ghostwriting. Even among those who are independent ghostwriters, meaning that they're full-time writers who don't work for ghostwriting companies, there are many ghostwriters who either pad their resumes or don't have the qualifications mentioned in several posts on this site.
The more professional ghostwriters in the publishing world have handled major projects for a variety of clients. Some of these clients are likely to have been published by mainstream presses, while others are celebrities or top professionals in various fields, such as businessmen, doctors, and dozens of other areas of expertise.
Also, some ghostwriters specialize in medical or business books. Others write articles or web copy. Some only write memoirs, while others only write fiction. As you can see, it can be difficult finding a qualified, professional ghostwriter who handles your kind of project.
So when you Google "ghostwriter," realize that you are looking at search results that encompass a wide variety of individuals. You need to know who and what you are looking for. Do your due diligence by following the guidelines on this site.
~William Hammett
Contact: wmhammett@aol.com
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