Many ghostwriters are part-time writers who hang out a shingle to make extra money because they've seen ads on e-How or proclaiming that anyone with good language skills can make great money at home by following a few simple steps: 1) get a website; 2) decide how much to charge; and 3) choose what kind of writing they want to do.
Wrong! Professional ghostwriting--ghostwriting practiced at its highest level--should only be done by people who have an extensive background in writing, editing, and publishing and who have publishing credits to their own names.
Likewise, thousands of alleged ghostwriters post resumes on sites such as elance and odesk. I have yet to read a resume or profile on these sites that didn't have fundamental grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. If these writers can't produce a single clean paragraph, do you really want them to write or edit your book? These writers also charge very low prices that don't match the fees charged by truly professional writers
Let the buyer beware. You get what you pay for. You wouldn't ask a doctor to take out your tonsils for five dollars, would you?
~William Hammett
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