Some people believe that ghostwriting is not a full-time job, but rather something people do on the side for fun or to earn some extra cash for the next summer vacation. This mistaken notion probably stems from the fact that people don't realize that professional ghostwriters are used for at least forty percent of all books that are sold in brick and mortar bookstores. Ghostwriters have been a part of the publishing industry for hundreds of years. The famous Goosbumps, Hardy Boys, and Nancy Drew series were all executed by ghostwriters. And an incredible number of adult books, both fiction and nonfiction, are written or developmentally edited by ghostwriters.
When hiring a ghostwriter, one needs to remember that a truly professional ghostwriter (and not a moonlighter or subcontractor) is running a business. He or she can't afford protracted negotiations, accept late payments, or help evaluate a potential book without a well-thought out query.
If you want to use a qualified ghostwriter (and I can't emphasize the word "qualified" strongly enough), approach the ghostwriter as you would any other professional. People keep appointments with their accountants, lawyers, and doctors. And they pay these professionals on time.
So when you email a ghostwriter who has a professional standing in the publishing industry, always do so with respect for the ghostwriter's time. You'll land a better ghostwriter in the end and have a better experience in getting your ideas into print.
~William Hammett
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