Many ghostwriters are also developmental editors. Developmental editing entails correcting grammatical errors (i.e., line edits) as well as rephrasing awkward passages, eliminating repetition, reorganization, and deleting or adding passages to make the manuscript crisp and publishable.
If you already have a rough draft of your manuscript, you may not need a ghostwriter to rewrite the entire book. You may need developmental editing to polish your manuscript. Fees for developmental editing vary depending on the length of your manuscript and how much work the editor needs to do to bring the manuscript up to acceptable standards.
Some developmental editors charge by the word. Others charge by the hour. Still others may quote a flat project fee, especially if a great deal of rewording is entailed.
Many online ghostwriters and developmental editors will edit an entire manuscript for a few hundred dollars, but their work is usually quite bad. (See other articles on this site about freelancers who work for "affordable rates.") Editing a manuscript involves a lot of judgment calls, so it's imperative that you hire someone with a keen eye and a thorough knowledge of the editing process.
~William Hammett
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