Thursday, April 16, 2015

How to Hire a Ghostwriter: The Essentials

Hiring a ghostwriter can be a daunting endeavor if you don't know much about the publishing industry.  It's even scarier if you don't know much about the profession of ghostwriting.  Exactly who are these people who claim to write your book?  Are they trustworthy?

Unfortunately, not all ghostwriters are trustworthy.  A majority are certainly not competent.  In this blog on How to Hire a Ghostwriter, I have tried to educate people about the best ways to select a ghostwriter.  Below is a summary of the most important things to consider when considering hiring a ghostwriter.

1) Look for a someone who is trained in writing and editing.

2) Look for someone who has several years experience.

3) Look for someone who has writing credits under his or her own name.

4) Look for someone who can offer you writing samples of his or her work.

5) Avoid ghostwriting companies, which are really POD companies that subcontract ghostwriting duties out to people across the country.

6) Read the websites of ghostwriters (and companies) carefully.  Look for grammatical errors.

7) Avoid ghostwriting clearing houses, such as and  A majority of resumes on these sites are filled with awkward phrasing and grammatical errors.

8) Avoid any ghostwriter or company that wants to upsell you on additional services, such as marketing and printing.

9) Remember that ghostwriters who charge very little are usually not top-tier ghostwriters and may not have the qualifications needed to write a full-length book.

To learn more about each of these essential points to consider when seeking a qualified ghostwriter, read through the index of posts on this site.  You'll gain valuable information.

~William Hammett


Index of Posts

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