Friday, May 22, 2015

A Book Is as Long as It Needs to Be

Many ghostwriters are now trying a new business model of offering shorter books to clients.  This has become a popular selling point in the new POD and eBook climate in which ghostwriters and POD publishers try to bring in more clients who (they fear) might not want to pay a reasonable price for a longer book.  The truth is that a book is as long as it needs to be.

Some books do indeed lend themselves to a shorter length.  Novellas are naturally shorter than full-length novels, and nonfiction categories such as how-to, self-help, and motivational may well call for briefer treatments.  Sometimes business professionals simply want a platform book to help in their branding and franchise building, and length is not an issue.

But someone searching for a publisher and ghostwriter should beware of these low price point offers.  Don't compromise the content and integrity of your book.  Make sure that your subject receives the full treatment it deserves.  Trying to get you to contract for a shorter book is like a car salesman attempting to have you drive off the lot with a smaller model car, one that you really don't want and that won't meet your needs.

Remember: a book is as long as it needs to be.  Don't let salesmanship sully the integrity your book demands.

~William Hammett

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